Big Sister!!!!!

Over Labor Day weekend, Drew and I went to the Razorback game in Fayetteville. It was the first time that we had ever left Anniston over night, so needless to say we were both hesitant. It was very spur of the moment though, which I think helped me with all the anxiety because I didn't have very long to worry about it. I hadn't felt bad at all, so I really wasn't expecting the news we were soon to get. The only really weird thing was that I was craving tacos. When I say craving, I mean it was a problem. I literally thought about tacos before I went to bed at night and they were one of the first things on my mind in the morning. What in the world?! However, that is not even the weirdest part. Anyone that knows me, knows that I do not like lettuce. I am not a lettuce eater, never have been, never will be... or so I thought. Suddenly, when day dreaming about my taco, I thought I have to have lettuce on my taco today. Very strange, but still no clue. Well about 10 tacos later (obviously over a week or so time) Drew and I both started thinking... Hmmmm could it be??? So on our way up to Fayetteville we tossed the idea around. Then after asking me what I wanted for dinner and of course... just get me a taco, with lettuce please... He really started thinking. When we got to Fayetteville, we went and hung out with all of our friends. Oh to be young again... hahaha the only thing we could think about was how old we felt Ha! Anyway on our way back to the hotel that night, we stopped by Walgreens. The next morning, I took the test. The words "Pregnant" appeared. I ran out of the bathroom to show Drew. It was such a fun and exciting moment, one that I will never forget. I can't wait to know if we are having another precious girl or a sweet little boy!